
Reading BitLocker encrypted drives with dislocker

Suppose there is a BitLocker encrypted NTFS drive at /dev/sda2.

First, create two mountpoints if they don't already exist:

mkdir /mnt/dislocker
mkdir /mnt/windows

The first mountpoint is where the special FUSE files will go. The second is where the BitLocker encrypted drive will be mounted to.

Then, open the drive:

dislocker /dev/sda2 -p -- /mnt/dislocker

Substitute -p with the appropriate protector (see manpage).

Finally, mount the drive:

mount -o loop,rw,uid=1000,gid=1000 -t ntfs-3g /mnt/dislocker/dislocker-file /mnt/windows

The mount options are documented at mount(8).

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