Convert HEIC to PNG/JPG
There's a tool provided by the libheif package to convert HEIC files (the default file format of choice for photos on iPhones) to file formats people actually use, called heif-convert
heif-convert IMG_0001.HEIC IMG_0001.png
These suffixes are recognized: jpg, jpeg, png, y4m. If no output filename is specified, 'jpg' is used.
Interestingly, converting to PNG will increase the file size.
Useful one-liners
These have been tested on zsh
, but probably work on bash
Convert all HEIC files in a directory (and use the same file name):
for file in *.HEIC; do heif-convert $file ${file%.HEIC}.png; done
Convert all HEIC files in a directory where a converted file doesn't already exist:
for file in "${$(for x in *.HEIC; do if [ ! -f ${x%.HEIC}.png ]; then echo $x; fi; done)[@]}"; do heif-convert $file ${file%.HEIC}.png; done
(The nested for acts kind of as a list comprehension.)